
I didn't do this on purpose


I dressed Nollie first thing this morning and then later when she was sleeping I showered and got myself dressed. After she awoke while I was holding her I looked down and just started laughing. What are the odds that I would choose our only orange shirts for both of us. It was not intentional. I guess I was in an orange kind of mood.
Nollie tends to want attention right about the time that I'm making supper each night. I've tried different things to keep her happy so that I can get the job done including putting her in her highchair, putting her in the sling on my back and waiting until Curt gets home to make super. This was my solution for last night and it worked really well. She stayed happy and occupied sitting in the sink for the whole dinner preperation. I know this won't last long, soon she will not just sit there but try climbing out. I think I will try it again before then.

Christmas Party

We had Curt's Christmas Party on Saturday Night. It was a town Christmas party where a number of companies are together. We brought Nollie along with us since we don't really know anyone around here to watch her. She was really good though. She was so happy durring the comedian that she was talking and squeeling so her and I went to hang out in the lobby for most of his performance. She was even able to sleep with all the noise of the dance going on. Our first big meal of the Christmas season, delicious.

I always get worked up about what I will wear to events such as this. I left wearing a nice skirt and top and shoes that didn't really go, but oh well, who will notice right. What was I so worried about, I'm living in Provost. There was a guy there in his track pants, his best track pants I'm sure. There were lots of jeans with nice tops, many dresses and dress pants and of course there has to be atleast one girl who goes all out and wears an old prom or bridesmaid dress. I will try to remember next time not to get worked up about my apparel.

Sitting Strong

I can't believe how strong Nollie has gotten over the last couple weeks. She is now able to sit up on her own and balance quite well. She still tumbles over from time to time, well actually quite alot but she can sit up and play.

It kind of looks like the burger on the TV in this pic is a thought bubble above Nollie's head.
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