
About Me

Hi, I'm Marci Buchan, nice to meet you. 

I am married to Curtis and he inspires me to be the best I can. Together we have three lovely little girls and another baby on the way.

We live in small town Alberta, in a house that we built with our own hands.
The words “I can't” are a swear in our family. I have never heard Curtis say these words and anytime I have uttered them he reminds me that I can.

I love gardening, baking, reading, creating and basically anything out of the ordinary. I'm a natural living lady, I despise the disposable and I save everything. I am on a new adventure of homeschooling and I'm always on the lookout for ideas to use with my kids.

Life on Rancho Relaxo is a place for me to share my everyday moments. I hope to inspire you to try something new and live a little more life in the relaxo.

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