Sorry, no posts in so long. The longer I put off posting the more things I had to say in order to update everyone and the longer I knew it would take to sit down and post, so I just kept putting it off. Everything is going really well for us. The girls are both growing and we enjoy them so much. Luca is smiling now and cooing at us. She loves to be talked to and held but what baby doesn't. She is really a very content little girl. Nollie is growing and changing like crazy she talks so much now, repeating everything we say. She loves reading and looking at books, we probably spend half of her awake time doing this. Her second favorite activity is taking care of her babies, she likes rocking them, walking them and changing their diapers. Nollie lies to watch out for Luca, and wants to know where she is, asking "Aka? go?" (Translation: Where did Luca go?) She is now sleeping in a "big girl bed" and we've had no trouble at all with the transition into it. I can hear her playing in her room for a bit before she goes to sleep but she always goes back to her bed to sleep. The girls & I go to play groups several days a week in the mornings. Nollie gets to run and play with other kids and I get to sit and have coffee with other moms while we supervise. Both Nollie and I look enjoy it and Luca's along for the ride.
We have finally started construction on our house. Both Curt & I hoped it would get started sooner but of course everything takes longer that you think it will. We have the basement dug, footings poured and they are working on building the basement walls right now. Our house package has been ordered and we hope to get it by the end of January. Once we get the walls pushed up we can start working away inside, so exciting.
I'm getting ready for Christmas but I still have lots to do. I'd probably fall over from shock if I was actually ready for Christmas early one year. Here are some photos.


New Bed

Luca Smile

I've been trying to get some photos of the girls together, not having much luck at getting a good one. I had to give Nollie a cracker in this one to keep her happy.