
The Roof is Up

We had another busy weekend at the house and we have a roof. It's so exciting right now because you can see such progress each time we are out there. The previous weekend we were able to get the remainder of the house walls pushed up on Saturday and the garage walls on Sunday. Both weekends we had lots of help, thanks again to everyone who came out. The weather was great this weekend especially on Saturday. It is much easier to be outside all day working when the temperature is above zero but it gets pretty muddy, so right now we are torn between wanting it to be a nice temperature and wanting it to stay just below zero. As long as it doesn't rain too much before we get the shingles on both should be fine.

Nollie got to spend the weekend with "Gama Edas" (Grandma Lydia) and Luca got to hang out with me at the house.

Here's some photos of the house progress.
Pushing up Walls

Starting the roof

The roof on

The foreman giving directions with baby in tow.
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