
Blog Revamp

I've been playing around behind the scenes on my blog lately.  I thought it could use a fresh new look.  What do you think?  I'm really enjoying learning how to manipulate everything so I would expect more updates in the near future.  Keep checking back.

Walking Up On Top


Flashlight Walk

Last night after dark we went on our first family "flashlight walk".  After dark we all bundled up in our snow gear and everyone got a flashlight to hold (except Wavy).  We trudged around our property through the deep snow and on Simon's trails .  Waverly was wrapped tight to me and the older two had a ride in the sled.  Nollie later preferred to get out of the sled and make new trails through the deep snow, exploring at her own pace. The girls each got new flashlights last week and they love them.  This was a nice chance for them to see how we use them to light the path in front of us while we walk at night. We also got to look at the stars and everyone got some fresh air.  I'm glad Curt suggested the flashlight walk, it was such a nice reminder that outside fun doesn't have to end when the sun goes down.

Mom & Her Girls



We've been living in our house for over a year now and the answer to the question you want to ask is no, it is not finished and no, the baseboards are not up. In addition I had not hung any pictures on the wall or really done any decorating.  Partly because it's not my thing and partly because the house was not "done" yet.  After Christmas I decided however that I would get started on beautifying my house.  I would try to do one decorating thing a week and this seems to be working for me.  It is not so overwhelming when you only have to think about hanging one picture.  I have also allowed myself to let my perfectionism go.  The picture looks much better hanging anywhere then it does sitting in a pile waiting for me do decide on the perfect location. 

I hung these curtains (which I already had) on a rod (that I bought long ago) in my bedroom.  They may not be perfect, but they will work for now.  I couldn't believe how much nicer the room felt with the curtains hung up.  As a bonus it helps to hide the unfinished edges of the window.

I put up the wall clock that my brother got me for Christmas.  I love it and look at it all the time but I guess I don't think of it as a clock because I'm always looking elsewhere to see what time it is when the clock is right in front of me. 

I was inspired by my Sister to hang up some picture frames even though I don't have photos in them yet and then add the photos after.  The frames look so nice and seeing them every day on the wall might even inspire me to get some photos printed to put in them.  Who want's to make a bet that next year at this time the picture of the flower with 8x10 printed around it is still on my wall.

The girls room got some curtains hung (purchased long ago as well) to replace the blanket and tablecloth that have been covering their window for the last year.  I have yet to shorten the curtains, I can't decide on the "perfect" length.  Agh, there's the P-word again, maybe I should just do that today.

Story Time

Nollie is really into making & telling stories right now.  Every picture she draws or paints needs a discription written on it by me.  Sometimes I will make a book, stapling several pages together and give it to her to draw her own story.  Here is her latest book:

Lucy Liked Mommy's Garden & She Had To Go Pee
When Lucy liked mom's garden and she had to go pee.
She peed in the potty all by herself.
"I did it, I did it, yeah, yeah, yeah."
She got her nose caught in the net when she was playing outside soccer ball.
She went back home.
She did a craft.
Lucy came back to Nollie & Luca's house.
Waverly got out of Mommy's tummy.

I love it, I can barely get through reading it aloud without laughing though.
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