
Halloween 2010


Here are some Halloween photos from this year

All Three Together

Nollie's Clown Face (painted by Curt)

Waverly The Pink Cat

Luca The Monkey

Curt as Mike Homes

 Nollie as a Bird 
This was completely thought out and assembled by Nollie the only help we gave was by her instruction.  A bag, some feathers and a piece of orange paper.

 Waverly the Spider

Halloween at this point for us consists of the girls dressing up and us driving around to all the family members houses in the area (Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles).  About 10 stops and it takes us three hours. Most of the time is spent buckling and buckling the girls and then we have a quick visit at each place.  This year the girls sang "Trick-or-treat, smell my feet..." and got a huge pile of candy... for Mom to eat.  It was lots of fun and at the end of the night the girls had smeared face paint, were sticky, wired off candy, and exhausted.

The night before Halloween we also dressed up and went over to a friends place, hence the two different costumes on the girls.
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