Quinn has been down visiting us for the week. It's good to get a chance to visit with him. Nollie has a good time playing with him and makes the sign for puppy when she see's him, maybe it's his hair. There has been lots of Nintendo Wii playing and of course I have to get in a board game or two.
Nollie is crawling all over, following me from room to room and pulling herself up to walk along the furniture. She plays really well by herself and can sit for an hour playing with her toy or looking at her books. She is such a happy little girl, always smiling and laughing. I must say we got off pretty easy so far with her. What will the next one bring???
Here's a new video to check out
what a cutie! i LOVE video - we're so lucky to live in this techno-age. jess d.
ahhh a full nights sleep.... i've had a few of those in the last six years... It always feels a bit odd in the morning like I forgot to do something or missed something... well sleep with continue to be elusive with a fourth bundle of joy on the way... looks like the Buchan Christmas will be babylicious x 3 this year.... happy april marci
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