I finished my headband this weekend. It feels so good to finish a project, I should remember this feeling (I'm not much of a finisher). I am happy with the results, it looks really good, if I do say so myself. I did end up taking it all apart and restarting it after the first weekend. I really should have started with a practice knit of just a little swatch to get the hang of knitting before starting a project. The first attempt looked really shoddy and the perfectionist in me couldn't handle it. This is part of my problem with finishing things, I figure if I can't finish it properly why finish. I learned a lot from this project.
How to tell a knit from a purl by looking at them rather than counting the 100+ stitches to figure out where you should be.
How to un-knit and fix a mistake. How to use markers when knitting and of course how to cast on, bind off, knit & purl. It's a wonderful hobby and I think I will keep it. I love how portable it is, I could take it to playgroup, I knit in the van on our drive to the city and I knit in my rocking chair while Curt played video games or we watched a movie, and I didn't have to pull out a ton of stuff and then put everything away later, just place my yarn & needles in the basket & I was done.
I'm planning out my next project now. Marilyn brought over some yarn that used to belong to Grandma B. It's dark brown and I think it will make great cushions for our living room couches.
Note: Its really hard to take a good photo of yourself. If you have any tips please let me know.
Headband Looks great. We got the remote for our camera. Andre also almost bought you a self portrait stick awhile back as a joke. But it doesn't work well with the DSLRs(too heavy), and now I've ruined the joke. Sorry.
I am going to say the mirror is a good way to take a picture of yourself. There will be a camera in the photo but otherwise good to go!
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