I read a day in the life post of another mom blogger and thought it would be fun to do one myself so here is a day in my life from this Monday.
6:10 - I hear Curt getting ready in the bathroom but I don't open my eyes yet, just lay and listen. I mumble a goodbye as he walks out of the bedroom. I listen to the the sound of the garage door opening and his truck driving away.
6:20 - My alarm goes off. I shut it off immediately but lay in bed for another couple minutes. Not wanting to fall back asleep I get up, making the bed as I do. I shower get dressed and brush my hair then pick up the bedroom and bathroom before heading out with a full laundry basket. Monday is laundry day so I collect all the laundry baskets from the bathrooms. In the laundry room I sort and start the first load. I find a clean load of diapers in the drier from last week and fold them.
I head to the kitchen and start a cup of coffee coffee in my espresso maker. Putting away the clean dishes from the sink and loading the dirty tea cups from last night into the dishwasher as I wait to froth the milk and pour in the hot coffee.
I move over to the computer and check my email. I wasn't on top of things last night so I print any homeschool worksheets for the week. I open Google Reader and read through blogs as I enjoy my coffee.
8:05 - OK, time to start the day, I turn on the radio to get some noise in the house. It's set to Sonic as usual. I head to the bigger girls room and turn on the light to wake them up. As per her request I piggie back Luca out to the kitchen table where she starts working on a new sticker book that she got at a birthday party yesterday. I switch the laundry and Nollie wanders out to wake up all her stffies having a sleepover in the livingroom under the piano.
8:30 - I start to make toast but the toaster isn't working and doesn't want to stay down. I fiddle with it a bit and get the toast to stay in finally. Curt phones to check what time his dentist appointment is and as I'm talking to him the toaster starts to smoke with burnt toast, maybe the toaster really isn't working. I scrape the burnt parts off and eat it myself. The girls are still playing, I can't see us starting home school my 9 today but that's OK because it gives me some extra time to fill their bins, which I didn't do last night.
I pour Luca some cereal and empty a laundry basket of junk that I picked up off the floor last night. When I take the basket back to the laundry room I notice I didn't actually start the washing machine earlier so I start it now. I put toast in the toaster for Nollie, it's still acting up, grr.
8:45 - Waverly wakes up, I go get her out of her bed and pop some toast in for her. Wasnting to eat right now she impatiently complains as we wait for it to pop. She starts to eat and I continue cleaning the kitchen and decluttering the island..
9:05 - The older two finally leave the table and I send them to go get dressed. Usually the getting dressed and ready is a long process and they get distracted once they get to their rooms but they surprise me by coming out quite quickly, ready for the day. I take Waverly pee and get her dressed and ready.
9:30 - We are all downstairs starting school. Calender time together then Nollie works on printing and sight words, Luca does E is for Elephant activities (found here). Waverly is all over the place, sometimes sitting at the table colouring, or playing on the floor or reading books with me on the couch. As all of this is going on I try to clean up my desk of homeschool papers, it never seems to get completely cleared, I have to run back upstairs a few times to switch laundry and take Waverly pee. This is followed by a quiet read to self time for everyone. As all of this is going on I try to clean up my desk of homeschool papers, it never seems to get completely cleared, I have to run back upstairs a few times to switch laundry and take Waverly pee.
11:00 - I get the girls started on free writing time and head upstairs with Waverly to make a smoothie. Waverly sits on the counter with me ready to push the button on the blender. I have to keep the blender unplugged until I am ready incase she pushes it prematurely. When its ready I go down to get the girls. Nollie shows me she wrote on a paper two ways to write the alphabet. One says "ABCs" and above that says "lfubet". I congratulate her on attempting such a large word and help her correct it to say "alphabet". We all head upstairs, I switch the laundry and we all have smoothie and a a cookie. After snack we sit in the living room. Nollie has requested some lego time so the girls play lego while I read Little House in the Big Woods to them.
11:45 - The girls cousin Dawson comes over for a visit. They continue to play lego, I finish our chapter and then swich laundry (again).
12:00 - Egg wraps for lunch, quick and easy. The girls eat a little then go off to play. I fold and put away the first three loads of laundry. A girlfriend of mine phones and we chat, planning a vacation we are taking together this summer. I finish cleaning up lunch.
1:30 - I put Waverly down for a nap and send the other three girls outside. I tidy up some more and completely clean off the island.
2:00 - I sit down at the computer desk to review tonight's supper recipe, I'm making something new, Orzo Salad from Super Natural Every Day: Well-loved Recipes from My Natural Foods Kitchen
3:00 - I go outside, no wonder the gils have been out here so long, it is gorgeous. I shovel a skiff of snow off the back patio and then shovel off the pond.
3:20 - The girls are ready to come in for hot chocolate.
3:30 - Waverly wakes up to join the hot chocolate party. My sister Courtney comes to pick up Dawson and we get to have a visit.
4:30 - Dawson & Courtney leave and I start supper. Waverly sits on the counter to help me put things in the blender and of course push the button several times.
5:30 - Curt comes home and we sit down to eat. As Luca comes to the table she anounces " I don't like that" before she even sits down. This is how we have been starting every meal. We tell her she has never tired it and get her to try maybe 3 bites.
I clean up supper while watching the dance show that Luca is putting on for me and her stuffies and taking turns making up stories with Nollie.
6:30 - Play scrabble Jr with Nollie and Luca. Waverly wants up but every time she gets up on my knee she tosses pieces around so I put her back down. Since the girls wanted to try the more advanced version I feel like I am just playing by myself, things are starting to get more silly by the minute. Nollie swings her stuffie across the board sending tiles flying and I call a game over.
7:00 - Jammie time for the girls and brush teeth. Nollie discovers that I can put photos on her new mp3 player and needs me to do it right now so I sift through photos and add some for her. When everyone is ready we sit down on the couch and read books, one chosen by each girl.
8:00 - Bed time, ahhh. I sit at the computer with a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate. I scan pinterest as I visit with Curt. Curt gives me hard time about being on the computer so turn it off and move to the living room to visit.
9:00 - The kids are still coming out of their rooms and running around, Waverly is still crying. Curt goes to deal with the older girls and I get Wave and bring her out for a cuddle. This time it seems to work for everyone.
Curt and I get ready for bed and lay down to read. I fall asleep with my light on and a book in my hand by 10:00.