
First Days of Spring

Just last week we were out on the deck enjoying the sunshine

blowing bubbles

stepping in the remaining puddles....

...and making footprints.
I even line dried my first couple loads of laundry for the season. 

It looked like spring was here in Alberta

and then...

on the first day of spring...

we got THIS!


 I'm hoping for more days like this one in the near future.
Happy Spring to you!

Milk Bone Cake

We got together this last weekend to celebrate a few family birthdays at my parents house.  My brother Jesse, sister Courtney (and my parents dog Téa).  The joke in the family is that since Téa's birthday is on the same day as Courtney's we celebrate them together with equal importance.  I'm sure after four years the joke is getting a but old for Courtney, but the rest of us find it quite funny.  When I told Curt that we would be making the cake for Jesse, Courtney and Téa he knew just the cake he wanted to make... a dog bone.  I gave him my "really Curt" look but I could see by his face that he was doing this.

Immediately after supper I made up my favorite chocolate cake recipe and a quick crumb coat of icing then I left the rest to Curt.  This was Curt's second  cake working with marshmallow fondant and although he fought with it a bit it worked out quite well.  The writing says "Happy Birthday Tina, Love the Family" and at the bottom in tiny, tiny writing says "and Jesse & Courtney."  I couldn't let the extra cake that we cut way to make the bone shape go to waste so I tried my hand at making cake balls (cake & icing mixed together, rolled into balls and then dipped in chocolate).  It was a bit of a late night, but we had alot of fun together making this.

The Cake was a hit and OMG the cake balls were delicious!

Happy Birthday Jesse, Courtney (& Téa)!

Keep Your Guacamole Green

Do you ever make guacamole only to have it turn brown in the fridge?  I have the solution for you.  Put the avocado pit in with your guacamole and it will keep its fresh green colour.

This is my most recent batch of guacamole after two days in the fridge, amay-za-za-zing!

I think it works the same for just plain old avocado too, just leave the pit with the unused avocado and it won't turn all brown and disgusting looking.

I can't remember where I heard this tip, so I can't thank anyone. If I heard it from you feel free to take credit.

Inside Snow

Yesterday Luca was bugging me to play something on her tray. I tried ignoring her requests but she persisted, so I suggested a few clean, easy options.  She said "No Mom, something messy" because everyone knows that's what you use your trays for. 

 I finally gave in and grabbed them each a bowl of fresh snow off the deck. Both girls were excitedly at the table before I could close the door, placing requests for the additional tools they would need. 

Who knew snow would be so exciting, I figured they would be tired of it by this point of the winter. 

The girls played for over an hour with the snow and when Waverly woke up they needed to let her try too. The fun was put to a stop when Waverly finally dumped the tray of melting snow all over the floor. Oh well, easy clean up.  The girls couldn't wait to tell Dad at supper  time about the crazy thing they did today, bringing snow inside.
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