
Quicktakes - Winter 2014


1. Wavy broke her collar bone...again.  My poor fragile girl. A funny little fall off the couch sent us to emerg. for the evening and she is back in a brace for 6+ weeks.


2. We had our first experience with lice.  Thankfully our friends gave us the heads up and we caught it early.  Many hours were spent over a couple weeks sitting in front of the TV combing through the girls hair with a nit comb.  Now tell me your head isn't itchy.

3. We took a mini-break to Canmore as a family.  We did some x-country skiing at the Canmore Nordic Center, some swimming and just hung out.  It was wonderful!

4. Nollie, Luca and I did our first x-country ski lopet.  The girls each did the 1km and I did the 11km, more than twice the distance that I have skied previously.

5. Curt has been busy in the shop and hopes to be putting up the remainder of the trim starting later this weekend. Some day our house will be finished!


6. Finley has been busy.  He loves to grab a hand-full of clothes from his drawer and get himself dressed.  He is a chatty little boy and talks more and more every day.

7. The diamond just fell out of my ring, like right now, and I found it.
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